Thursday, June 18, 2009

martell vsop is sweet on the outside, but oh well..

Of all the countless times i went drinking be it on special occasions or just drinking for the sake of drinking or drinking while catching up with old time friends, what is the first drink i would always consider first or rather, the first drink that comes to my mind is...Martell v.s.o.p.


Its sweet and it excites the taste buds be it you drink neat or with mixer whatever you wanna do with it, it just taste awesome in the end to me comparing with other sorts of drinks...

for me i have made my point but, i would admit that even though i think i can hold my liquor quite well and i often indulge in binge drinking, until now for i have not realized what holds the beauty of the martell vsop and other hard liquors. is it because i am still not in the adult stage where i can taste the exotic difference in martell to others that may be better in some ways that tickle the taste buds, or people my age just wanna get high as fast as we could so we take something down our throat that is sweeter which is easier to gulp it all down than compared to tar-ing things that doesn't taste as sweet as that?

Once, sebastian had brought me and some friends to his auntie's japanese pub at cuppage, whereby the place was very relaxing, and his auntie was damn cool, she is the type of adult that don't talk all the boring stuffs usual adults talked about and her advice was one that i never heard of.

So she was telling us that yes martell is very nice to drink for because its sweet, but people who work in this industry often try not to drink martell, for its a brandy and it harms the body overtime if consumed in mass quantities. Then she was saying, japanese men who come into the pub are smart, for they know what is good to their health and not, so very often, japanese men only orders whiskey like chivas or johnny walker, instead of martell, whereby martell is the trend among singaporeans..that most singaporeans prefer martell to others. not only that, she also has loads of friends and acquaintances that work in this industry and still drink martell, most of them were dead by 40+ . so the moral of the story, if you drink alot, take whiskey instead of brandy, for its not because martell itself the brand is harmful, but rather, its the term brandy that's harmful to health. so generally, the moral of the story is brandy deals more damage to the body compared to whiskey. And a tip for all that feel your life has no meaning and you wants to end it faster, Smoke and Drink at the same time often..

martell itself have done a brilliant job in brewing such a good drink that can excite my taste buds, however, why is it a brandy?? and i noticed, even if sebas auntie told me about how bad a brandy can be, i still cannot stop my cravings for that drink..

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